Carolina Land & Lakes relies solely on the generosity of individuals, corporations within our communities, local governments and funding organizations that support our mission and programs.

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Our Funding

Carolina Land & Lakes relies solely on the generosity of individuals, corporations within our communities, local governments and funding organizations that support our mission and programs.

Your financial contribution will make a significant difference and help provide specific benefits to our local community. They may be designated for general use in any one of our 4 program areas.

Our current resources are limited and while we are successfully managing the many programs we have outlined, the demands and opportunities far exceed our current capabilities. Your gift can also be used to expand, grow and respond to numerous new challenges and greater potential resource utilization in our region.

Contributions may also be designated to help fund our endowment for future needs. our endowment is administered by the Community Foundation of Burke County or for special programs as determined by the Carolina Land & Lakes Board. To learn more or to make a contribution, call Melissa at 828-244-8722.

Thank you for considering a contribution and for sharing your interest and support for our local priorities.




Contact Details

Carolina Land & Lakes
Resource Conservation & Development

PO Box 2977 • Lenoir, NC 28645

Call: (828) 244-8722

Email Us